Panorama City

Welcome to our Panorama City center
Our center offers free in-person classes and services to help keep you active, healthy and informed.
Hours of Operation:
Monday & Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Stay Active, Healthy and Informed
- (213) 438-5497
- Email Us
- 7868 Van Nuys Blvd., Panorama City, CA 91402
Our Services
We will offer many different services to the public, such as wi-fi for telehealth visits and health plan member services. For your convenience, you can schedule an appointment for services with a representative by calling us at 1.213.438.5497.

Boot Camp
Panorama City
Build your strength and endurance in this fun fitness class! We feature HIIT (high intensity training) with a mix of strength and cardio. Classes are on a first come first serve basis. Guests arriving 15 minutes after the start of any class may not be admitted. You must wear proper workout clothes and tennis shoes to participate in physical exercise classes. Please call us at 213-438-5497 to find out more information.
Panorama City
This Yoga class designed to introduce an easy-to-follow series of poses focusing on strength and stabilizing the spine, followed by simple and functional flows. Learn breathing techniques to help calm the mind and body. Classes are on a first come first serve basis. Guests arriving 15 minutes after the start of any class may not be admitted. You must wear proper workout clothes and tennis shoes to participate in physical exercise classes. Please call us at 213-438-5497 to find out more information.
Panorama City
Learn how to use controlled movements to develop your physical strength. This full-body exercise system focuses on breathing, controlled movements and developing a strong core. Come learn the benefits of physical fitness through Pilates. Classes are on a first come first serve basis. Classes are on a first come first served basis. Guests arriving 15 minutes after the start of any class may not be admitted. You must wear proper workout clothes and tennis shoes to participate in physical exercise classes. Please call us at 213-438-5497 to find out more information.
Gut Health-EPDB (English and Spanish)
Panorama City
El Proyecto del Barrio Nurse gives you tips on health and safety topics for yourself and your family!
Virtual Breakthrough Parenting (English)
Panorama City
As a parent, you have a long-lasting impact on your child_s life. Learn what positive things you can do to ensure a successful future for your child. Please call us at (213)438-5497 to register and find out more information.
Zumba Steps
Panorama City
Get fit while you dance! This dynamic aerobic dance program uses step aerobics in dance and exercise moves set to a Latin beat. This class features easy-to-follow moves in interval training sessions that use fast and slow rhythms, stretching and most importantly, fun. Classes are on a first come first serve basis. Guests arriving 15 minutes after the start of any class may not be admitted. You must wear proper workout clothes and tennis shoes to participate in physical exercise classes. Please call us at 213-438-5497 to find out more information.
Health and Wellness
- Blood Drives
- Glucose & Blood Pressure Screenings
- Fitness and Exercise Classes
- Nutrition and Healthy Cooking Classes
- Social and Parent Support
- CPR & First Aid Certification
Health Plan Member Services
- New Member Gift Card
- Enrollment Services
- Medi-Cal Enrollment Support
- Member Services
- Care Management
- Community Link
Social Services Assistance
- CalFresh Assistance / Enrollment
- Food Pantry
- Resources & Referrals
- SSI Advocacy
- Telehealth Services
- Interpretation & Translation Services
- Child Supervision and Homework Support while you attend a class

Got Rewards
My Rewards for a Healthy Life is a program where you can earn rewards for participating in a variety of health education classes at our Community Resource Centers. After participating in six health education classes, you are eligible for a premium gift.