East L.A.

Welcome to our East L.A. center
Our center offers free in-person classes and services to help keep you active, healthy and informed.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Stay Active, Healthy and Informed
- (213) 438-5570
- Email Us
- 4801 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022
- Download Calendar
Located behind the building, accessible through Fetterly Ave.
Free Food Pantry Open to the Community
In partnership with God's Pantry, we are distributing free grocery items every month on a first come, first served basis. We believe that having access to food is important for good health, and we want you to be healthy! Everyone is welcome – no appointment needed.
When: 3rd Thursday of the month | 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Where: Community Resource Center in East L.A.
4801 Whittier Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90022

Cooking Matters
East L.A.
A series of food preparation and cooking demonstration for adults that will go over the benefits of fruits and vegetables, healthy snacks to make at home, the importance of protein intake, and much more.
Life Skills: Relaxation Through Breathing
East L.A.
The Life Skills Support Group is a combination of classes that aim to remove mental health barriers to daily living. It provides support and training on topics, such as conflict resolution, effective communication, time management, setting priorities, and goal planning.
Circuit Training for Adults
East L.A.
Join us for this class made for adults, ages 40 and over. You'll enjoy getting and staying fit, while learning low-impact movements and exercise methods - all at a comfortable pace.
East L.A.
Get fit while having fun! Zumba involves dance and aerobic movements performed to energetic music including hip-hop, salsa, merengue and mambo.
Tai Chi
East L.A.
Tai Chi incorporates exercises that improve balance, muscular strength, flexibility, and fitness. In addition to improving balance, strength, flexibility, and fitness, Tai Chi has been shown to decrease pain, improve brain health, and reduce falls.
Sunset Yoga
East L.A.
This exercise class increases strength and flexibility while incorporating breathing techniques and meditation.

Our Services
We offer many different services to the public. Stop by our food pantry, or use our wi-fi for your telehealth visits. You can also schedule a visit for health plan member services. You can schedule an appointment for services with a representative by calling us at 1.213.438.5570.
Health and Wellness
- Blood Drives
- Glucose & Blood Pressure Screenings
- Fitness and Exercise Classes
- Nutrition and Healthy Cooking Classes
- Emotional Wellness Workshops
Health Plan Member Services
- New Member Gift Card
- Enrollment Services
- Medi-Cal Enrollment Support
- Member Services
- Care Management
- Community Link
Social Services Assistance
- CalFresh Assistance / Enrollment
- Food Pantry
- Resources & Referrals
- SSI Advocacy
- Telehealth Services
- Interpretation & Translation Available
- Child Supervision Services

Got Rewards
My Rewards for a Healthy Life is a program where you can earn rewards for participating in a variety of health education classes at our Community Resource Centers. After participating in six health education classes, you are eligible for a premium gift.
Staff Spotlight

Laura Garcia
Community Representative
During pandemic, the food pantries have been my favorite. The sole purpose of the CRC has been the most evident during these events. The ability to provide immediate assistance is beyond rewarding.